Bus stops and shelters are used along with any bus transit system. These areas provide information to travelers along the route to make sure they get where they need to go at the times they need to get there. Daytime travelers do not have to worry about visibility; however, at night, lighting is required to ensure the bus driver spots them and they can see the information on the routes. This is where solar lighting can easily come into play.
Most bus stops and bus shelters projects are located in an area that grid power is not easily accessible without tearing up the nearby area to bring wires out to the location. Solar makes the lighting at night possible since the solar is either roof or top of pole mounted. The power is generated wherever it is needed without the destruction of surrounding areas.
Solar bus stop light systems consist of a pole-mounted solar power system that provides power to a fixture, sometimes integrated within the battery assembly, and can provide lighting all night, via a motion or push-button activation, or on only when the transit system is in operation. These systems are completely integrated together and can be installed in just about any sunny location along a route.

Solar bus shelter light systems can integrate easily into an existing bus shelter or be specified with a new installation along a route. The panels can mount on the roof of the shelter structure or be pole-mounted nearby. The LEDs are integrated within a battery assembly and mount under the roof of the structure to provide lighting within the structure.
Advertising bus shelters can also use the sun to light the ad boxes that are sometimes on these shelter structures. The solar can power the entire lighting requirements of the bus shelter. These typically use LED strips along the edges of the ad box and are fed by the same battery pack as the overhead light fixture within the bus shelter. These systems require additional solar power and battery; however, allow for the advertising message not to be lost at night by travelers and others just passing by.
Not only do these systems save money due to lower installation costs, but they also save on monthly electric bills. Since the systems provide power by the sun, there is no need for standard electricity and to pay the utility company for the lighting. With the rise of utility power costs, this can turn into a huge savings in the long run. Definitely a win-win.
Check out some more solar transit lighting projects and see where your city can save some green while also providing safety and security to your passengers.