SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Solar Lighting (7)
When to Transition A Commercial Space to Solar Energy
Commercial property owners are constantly strategizing for ways to improve their margins both in the short-term, by getting quality tenets inked for leases, and in the long-term,..
Review of Solar Pathway Lighting Systems for Walking Trails
Solar lighting systems come in many shapes and sizes. From large-scale overhead systems that operate all night and have huge solar panels and battery backups, to small-scale..
Best Solar LED Lighting Systems for Parks and Recreation
There are many different areas that can be illuminated in any park; from entrance and directional signs, to parking lots and roadways, walking or biking trails, boat ramps, remote..
Comparing Apples to Apples: Solar Powered Lighting Systems
There are many variations when it comes to solar-powered lighting systems, and it is difficult to compare them to one another. Each manufacturer has its design parameters, and..
Solar Power Sign Light Design: Step by Step
One of our most popular articles is Street Light Design, and I thought it was about time to offer a step-by-step to sign lighting design. This will give you information on..
Tips for A Successful Outdoor Solar Lighting Installation
With the recent trends to go green, there are more and more government and institution outdoor solar lighting installations being undertaken. How do you know if you've got..
The Star-Spangled Banner Illuminated by Solar LED Flag Lights
A little while back an article was published about one of our solar lighting systems being used to light The Star-Spangled Banner at Fort McHenry National Park. The flag is a..
Why Should You Buy a Solar Lighting or Power System?
There is no better way to become eco-friendly than to invest in either solar lighting or a solar power system, but the benefits for going solar are much deeper than any..
Common Mistakes People Make With Solar Parking Lot Lighting
Solar parking lot lighting systems provide a great alternative to a standard grid-powered lighting system since they require no trenching for installation, use zero energy, have..
5 Methods to Cut Energy Costs Effortlessly
Business owners in the United States spend around $60 billion on energy annually. Finding ways to reduce monthly operating costs should be one of your main goals. While this may..
Old Style HPS Lights vs Solar Powered LED Lights
Over the last decade, LEDs have evolved greatly. Not only has their light output increased, but also their efficiencies and price points have changed drastically. There are so..
Comparing Solar Light Pole Project Cost vs System Cost
Often in the solar lighting industry, we receive calls asking for a system to meet a need in an area where power is not feasible to bring out, but then months later, the customer..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system