SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Solar Lighting (5)

How To Pick the Best Pole for your LED Solar Powered Lights
Choosing the best pole for your LED solar powered lights can seem easy, but there is much more to it than you may think. There are so many options that it can feel overwhelming...

Solar Lighting Design: What are lighting zones?
When designing outdoor lighting requirements, there is a factor that doesn't seem to get talked about much; lighting zones. These zones help determine how much light is required..

How to Develop Your Small Business Sustainability Plan
As a prospective small business owner, you have a lot to gain by adopting a sustainability plan. Beyond supporting the environment and reducing your impact on the planet, building..

Best Lighting Temperature for Commercial Outdoor Settings
Most of us are familiar with light intensity, brightness, and even color. These are all crucial aspects when lighting any commercial building. Just as important, however, is the..

How HOAs & Communities Use Commercial Solar Lighting Systems
Many homes are now installing solar on their roofs to help cut down individual costs and environmental impact. Many homeowners associations are currently looking for more ways to..

The Ultimate Guide to LED Solar Street Lights
LED solar street lights are a great way to provide lighting to a street, roadway or highway without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED street lights can..

What Should You Do With Your Solar Lights in the Winter?
It is that time of year again. It is cold in most of the northern hemisphere. It is snowing, and there isn't as much sunshine as at other times of the year. So what should you do..

The Ultimate Guide to Solar Parking Lot Lights
Solar parking lot lights are a great way to provide lighting to an area without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED parking lot lights can lower..

Simple Solar LED Lighting and Off-Grid Solar Power Facts
We wanted to start the New Year off with some basic facts on solar LED lighting and off-grid solar power systems. These facts will explain how the systems operate and provide..

Good Solar Flagpole Lighting Information and Etiquette
Many business and residential homes have flags flying; however, if you want to fly the flag at night, proper flag etiquette states you should have it illuminated all night. Solar..

Solar Lighting Systems for Parks and Playgrounds
Parks and playgrounds are a great place to gather with friends and family. From just playing on playgrounds, to running around on a field, to walking down trails and relaxing in..

Amazing Solar LED Lighting Projects for Parks and Recreation
Over the many years of SEPCO's history, we have worked with many municipal parks and recreation facilities to provide solar lighting solutions for various projects. These projects..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system