SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Solar Area Lighting (3)

How HOAs & Communities Use Commercial Solar Lighting Systems
Many homes are now installing solar on their roofs to help cut down individual costs and environmental impact. Many homeowners associations are currently looking for more ways to..

The Ultimate Guide to Solar Parking Lot Lights
Solar parking lot lights are a great way to provide lighting to an area without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED parking lot lights can lower..

Amazing Solar LED Lighting Projects for Parks and Recreation
Over the many years of SEPCO's history, we have worked with many municipal parks and recreation facilities to provide solar lighting solutions for various projects. These projects..

Benefits of Choosing Solar Lighting
Solar lighting systems provide security and illumination in needed areas when grid power is unattainable or costly to bring to a site. It is also great in applications where a..

Best Solar LED Lighting Systems for Parks and Recreation
There are many different areas that can be illuminated in any park; from entrance and directional signs, to parking lots and roadways, walking or biking trails, boat ramps, remote..

Old Style HPS Lights vs Solar Powered LED Lights
Over the last decade, LEDs have evolved greatly. Not only has their light output increased, but also their efficiencies and price points have changed drastically. There are so..

Solar Lighting Systems are the Best for Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Departments have been using solar lighting systems for many years now as they provide a solution to illuminate the required area without disturbing the..

Reasons Solar Bike Path Lighting Systems Are Gaining Traction
In the last couple of years, we are seeing an increase in bike paths being installed all over the US. This is because of an increased desire for people to become more active in..

Solar LED Lighting Solutions for Rural Areas
Rural areas have less infrastructure than their urban counterparts; therefore, making access to standard electrical power and lighting more difficult and costly. Off-grid solar..

Commercial Solar Flood Lighting at Docks & Boat Ramps for Safety
Most boaters like to go out early morning or late nights to get the best catch. Lighting up the boat ramps and docks provides safety and security to boaters leaving while it is..

Solar Lamp Post Lights: Forgotten Commercial Solar Lights
Residential spaces are the primary users of lamp post lights. Typically installed along a driveway or in the front yard of a home, these lights provide a small amount of..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system