SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Renewable Energy (4)

Prevent Theft & Vandalism Using Stand Alone Security Cameras
Many businesses, construction sites, storage yards, and even parks and recreation facilities, are plagued by theft and vandalism. Adequate lighting and the use of security cameras..

Advancements in Solar Panel Design and Efficiency
There’s been much discussion about the cost of solar energy and whether solar can really be an efficient and cost-effective energy source. One argument is that low-cost, efficient..

Solar is the Perfect Solution for Remote Restroom Lighting
Remote restrooms are installed in many parks, playgrounds, and recreation facilities. These remote restrooms are for people visiting a park to help provide sanitation to people..

The Pros & Cons of Electrofuels
In the race to end the world’s addiction to oil, scientists and researchers are more active than ever in seeking solutions to this problem. What if a fuel management system..

Solar Power Advantages and Disadvantages
I have been following a post on Wiki Answers for a while on the advantages and disadvantages of solar power and wanted to share the results. The discussion started a while ago and..

How to Save Money with Renewable Energy at Your Home
One way to save money and be eco-friendly is to use renewable energy to save money. There are various ways to use renewable energy in your everyday life. Some ways are more..

Top 10 Environmentally Friendly Websites for Sustainability
As someone passionate about sustainability, I wanted to share some of my favorite websites, which are treasure troves of information. Dive into these resources to enrich your..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system