SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Renewable Energy

The Impact of LED Lighting on Health: Benefits and Concerns Explained
In recent years, the widespread adoption of LED lighting has brought both innovation and challenges to our daily lives. While LEDs are celebrated for their energy efficiency and..

Maximize Business Impact with Solar LED Lighting Solutions
Businesses are always looking for ways to increase their bottom line while also providing an excellent image to their customers. Solar LED lighting solutions can positively impact..

How Do Solar Panels Impact Our Environment Over Time?
The United States has used fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas to generate electricity since the 1880s, powering its industrialization and global reach. Industrialization..

5 Powerful Ways That You Can Battle Against Climate Change
Climate change is a growing issue that affects absolutely everyone. If you are empathetic to the challenges facing the environment or if you are concerned about the well-being of..

Why Solar Powered Pole Lights Are the Future of Outdoor Lighting
As the world becomes increasingly conscious of the environment, more and more people are turning to sustainable solutions to meet their needs. One area where this trend is..

5 Ways to Make Your City More Sustainable
There are many benefits to making a city or municipality greener for the business, residents, and environment. These include improving air quality, reducing noise, increasing..

How Solar Lighting Makes Cities Resilient to Climate Change
As cities around the world face increasingly severe weather events, the need for resilient infrastructure is more important than ever! One solution many cities and businesses are..

How to Develop Your Small Business Sustainability Plan
As a prospective small business owner, you have a lot to gain by adopting a sustainability plan. Beyond supporting the environment and reducing your impact on the planet, building..

4 Stunning Examples of Remote Solar Systems
I was driving through the center of the state recently heading north of Orlando and I saw more fields of solar power popping up. This beautiful sea of solar panels was..

What is Included in a Remote Solar Power System Package
There are five main components that are used with every off-grid solar power solution. These systems provide power to remote locations, typically that do not have access to..

How Have Solar Panels Improved Over The Years?
While it might seem like it, solar panels are not a new invention. In fact, they were first invented in the late 1800s, which seems like an incredibly long time ago for a..

Top Solar Energy Trends to Expect for 2022
While global events have handicapped many industries over the past couple of years, solar power is one area that’s continued to go from strength to strength. With continued..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system