SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: Poles for Solar Systems

Project Spotlight: Portable Solar Street Lights
When a large industrial mining company needed to provide lighting for key areas within their massive, constantly changing land mine facility, they turned to SEPCO to help design a..

Problems With the Solar Powered Street Light Market
Many options come up when you do a general search on Google for Solar Powered Street Lights. In addition, many shops on Google, Amazon, and other mass retailers have lights..

How To Pick the Best Pole for your LED Solar Powered Lights
Choosing the best pole for your LED solar powered lights can seem easy, but there is much more to it than you may think. There are so many options that it can feel overwhelming...

The Ultimate Guide to Solar Parking Lot Lights
Solar parking lot lights are a great way to provide lighting to an area without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED parking lot lights can lower..

Benefits of Choosing Solar Lighting
Solar lighting systems provide security and illumination in needed areas when grid power is unattainable or costly to bring to a site. It is also great in applications where a..

How Solar Lighting Improves Security after Natural Disasters
With the increase of natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, and blizzards, off-grid solar lighting systems can improve the security of an area since the lights do not rely..

What Is EPA and Why Does It Matter for Solar Lighting Design
EPA stands for Effective Projected Area and is used to help design poles for applications in the solar lighting industry, including solar lighting system design, construction, and..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system