SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: General Lighting (3)

Comparing Solar Light Pole Project Cost vs System Cost
Often in the solar lighting industry, we receive calls asking for a system to meet a need in an area where power is not feasible to bring out, but then months later, the customer..

Solar Lighting Systems are the Best for Parks and Recreation
Parks and Recreation Departments have been using solar lighting systems for many years now as they provide a solution to illuminate the required area without disturbing the..

How to Use LED Lights to Boost Sales and Save Energy
The modern retailer understands the role of various lighting configurations in enhancing customer experience and generating sales. Ambient lighting eliminates gloomy areas in the..

Benefits To Working With A Solar Light Distributor
When you are looking to complete your next solar LED light project, look to using a distributor to help with the process of finding a reputable manufacturer, designing the system,..

Using Outdoor Lighting to Protect Local Wildlife and Environment
Outdoor lighting is not just valuable for landscaping companies. It has also brought a multitude of advantages to today’s consumers. However, we wonder if these outdoor lighting..

Solar LED Lighting Solutions for Rural Areas
Rural areas have less infrastructure than their urban counterparts; therefore, making access to standard electrical power and lighting more difficult and costly. Off-grid solar..

How To Create a Better Solar Street Light Specification
Specification packages are typically completed by a company working with an architect or engineer to provide data about their product for a bid. These specifications are generally..

Wattage vs Lumens: Know the Difference for Better Lighting
With the push for LED lighting, there is a lot to take into consideration now for lighting levels. One of the biggest arguments is light Wattage versus the Lumens and determining..

Commercial vs Non-Commercial Solar Lights
So you think a solar light is a solar light…right? Well, not really. There are many different types of solar lighting systems using many different types of technologies. The solar..

6 Reasons LED Lights Are Becoming the Go To Option
LED Lights are gaining popularity for many reasons, such as longevity, versatility, safety and so much more. LEDs are becoming more popular both in commercial applications as well..

The Many Uses of Discharge Lamps for Lighting Purposes
What are some of the main uses for discharge lamps? This type of lamp involves an internal electrical discharge being created between two electrodes in a gas-filled chamber; the..

Use Solar Outdoor Lighting for Energy Efficiency
No matter what type of space you are trying to light up, whether residential or commercial, it can be expensive. The cost of bringing in the traditional grid power extensions,..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system