SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas: General Lighting (2)

5 Mistakes when Comparing Outdoor LED Solar Powered Lights
Outdoor LED solar powered lights are a great way to illuminate an area without having to deal with running additional utility lines. The solar powered lights charge from the sun..

Solar Lighting Design: What are lighting zones?
When designing outdoor lighting requirements, there is a factor that doesn't seem to get talked about much; lighting zones. These zones help determine how much light is required..

How to Develop Your Small Business Sustainability Plan
As a prospective small business owner, you have a lot to gain by adopting a sustainability plan. Beyond supporting the environment and reducing your impact on the planet, building..

How HOAs & Communities Use Commercial Solar Lighting Systems
Many homes are now installing solar on their roofs to help cut down individual costs and environmental impact. Many homeowners associations are currently looking for more ways to..

The Ultimate Guide to Solar Parking Lot Lights
Solar parking lot lights are a great way to provide lighting to an area without trenching in traditional grid power. As a result, solar LED parking lot lights can lower..

Simple Solar LED Lighting and Off-Grid Solar Power Facts
We wanted to start the New Year off with some basic facts on solar LED lighting and off-grid solar power systems. These facts will explain how the systems operate and provide..

The Ultimate Guide to Off-Grid Solar LED Lighting Systems
In the beginning, there was light. That light used to be the only source of light for millions of years. Then we harnessed the power of fire to produce light at night. This..

Choosing The Best Control Options for Solar Lighting Systems
When designing a lighting application, run time isn’t always at the forefront of the thought process. However, with off-grid commercial solar lights, the light operation and..

How long does it take for solar lights to pay for themselves
According to the EIA, over 219 billion kWh of electricity is used for lighting every year. Assuming 14 cents per kWh, this is the equivalent of 30.66 billion dollars a year...

Benefits of Choosing Solar Lighting
Solar lighting systems provide security and illumination in needed areas when grid power is unattainable or costly to bring to a site. It is also great in applications where a..

How Bright is 7 Watts? Understand Lighting and Brightness
Doing some research – specifically keyword research – I came across this question – How bright is 7 watts? This made me sit back and think. If people are asking how bright 7 Watts..

Old Style HPS Lights vs Solar Powered LED Lights
Over the last decade, LEDs have evolved greatly. Not only has their light output increased, but also their efficiencies and price points have changed drastically. There are so..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system