SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas
Learn the latest LED solar lighting and power updates, along with practical information to help you design your next project
Safety with Solar Powered Overheight Vehicle Detection System
The National highway system is a great way to get from one place to another in a short amount of time. All over the country, highways are full of travelers, including our busy..
3 Ways Solar Lighting Can Enhance Bike Paths in 2021
We all need to be physically active if we want to be healthy and fit. Working out regularly can help protect our bodies from numerous illnesses, including arthritis, diabetes,..
Safety Provided By Solar Lighting
There are many cases where additional lighting is required to add safety and security to a site. Sometimes these sites are very remote and do not have access to grid power. Solar..
How Solar Can Increase Your Commercial Property Value
There are a few different ways you can think of value. You might consider the resale value of your property. You can also consider how your property serves to reduce the overhead..
What Are The Benefits Of Installing Solar Bollards?
With technological developments on the rise, the increased popularity and advancements of solar bollards are a milestone. The lights use highly efficient solar energy and offer an..
5 New Solar Power Technologies in 2021
In the last forty years, there has been a dynamic increase in the use of solar energy in the United States. As recently as 2018, an additional 10.6 GW of solar power was..
Benefits of Choosing Solar Lighting
Solar lighting systems provide security and illumination in needed areas when grid power is unattainable or costly to bring to a site. It is also great in applications where a..
When to Transition A Commercial Space to Solar Energy
Commercial property owners are constantly strategizing for ways to improve their margins both in the short-term, by getting quality tenets inked for leases, and in the long-term,..
Review of Solar Pathway Lighting Systems for Walking Trails
Solar lighting systems come in many shapes and sizes. From large-scale overhead systems that operate all night and have huge solar panels and battery backups, to small-scale..
Best Solar LED Lighting Systems for Parks and Recreation
There are many different areas that can be illuminated in any park; from entrance and directional signs, to parking lots and roadways, walking or biking trails, boat ramps, remote..
Solar LED Lighting and Power Systems Future After 2020
The last year has been a difficult one for people all over the world. With Covid-19 spreading to every corner of our world, killing people, businesses, and industries, many people..
Comparing Apples to Apples: Solar Powered Lighting Systems
There are many variations when it comes to solar-powered lighting systems, and it is difficult to compare them to one another. Each manufacturer has its design parameters, and..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system