SEPCO-Solar Lighting's Blog on Renewable Energy and Green Ideas
Learn the latest LED solar lighting and power updates, along with practical information to help you design your next project
How to Protect Your LED Solar Lights from Theft and Vandalism
With the increasing costs of energy and the jump in demand for a renewable energy alternative, solar is increasingly being a commodity worth investing in. Making sure your systems..
Why Uniformity Is Important For Solar Street Lights
Ever drive down a road and there is a whole stretch of lights, but all you see are small circles of light on the ground every hundred feet or so and nothing in between? This..
5 Reasons to Install Solar Panels
Nowadays, sustainable uses of energy are being focused on a lot. With that usage of renewable and unconventional energy resources are more concentrated upon as compared to the..
What Light Pollution Means to the Future of Lighting
Ever look at a map from a satellite in orbit? Notice all the lights that you can see. What about looking up at night to find the stars in the sky? How much do you not see due to..
How Does A Solar Light Work? From Big to Small Solar Lights
Whether you are talking about the small garden stake lights you find at any big box store or a commercially produced solar lighting system, they provide the same functionality...
What Is EPA and Why Does It Matter for Solar Lighting Design
EPA stands for Effective Projected Area and is used to help design poles for applications in the solar lighting industry, including solar lighting system design, construction, and..
Advantages of Solar Power Lights at Government Facilities
The US Government decided years ago to make their military bases and government facilities as green as possible. Reducing energy and fuel usage, becoming energy independent by..
A New Way to Think About Lumens and Watts
I keep being asked to meet the Lumens or Watts from a HPS, MH, or just about any other type of light, but this isn’t comparing apples to apples. This is trying to compare apples..
Just a Little More LED Lighting Knowledge (Video)
So I was browsing the internet looking for one final post to write for the year (well, writing now, not publishing last, but anyways) and I came across this great video from a..
Solar Bus Stops/Shelters for Energy Efficient Transit System
Bus stops and shelters are used along with any bus transit system. These areas provide information to travelers along the route to make sure they get where they need to go at the..
Installing Solar LED Outdoor Lighting for Commercial Saving
One of the primary problems facing any commercial business operator is making sure their business stays profitable. If you can't make money, you're bound to have trouble keeping a..
Finding Funds for Nonprofits Renewable Energy Projects
Many organizations do not qualify for the renewable energy tax credits since they are nonprofit. That seems unfair since there is little incentive to get these types of..
Not sure where to start?
Check out our solar lighting design guide and see what it takes to design a commercial solar lighting system