The US Government decided years ago to make their military bases and government facilities as green as possible. Reducing energy and fuel usage, becoming energy independent by installing solar and wind power, and increasing efficiencies in building all contribute to lower costs and energy strength. Using solar power lights is just another step in achieving their goals.
There are quite a few advantages of solar power lights at these types of facilities. Solar-powered lighting can provide an off-grid option for the facilities as they are self-sustaining and do not require extra pull from the solar and wind power applications needed for building power, lowering the number of solar plants and wind farms needed. Since every solar-powered light provides its own power, each light works independently from the other.
This allows for two goals to be met: Energy Independence and Energy Security.

Having the lights work independently from the grid, whether the grid is powered by solar, wind, nuclear, coal, etc., will increase safety at the facility as no attack can take out every light simultaneously. The lights can also come equipped with a radio transmitter, cameras, or other monitoring devices for intentional blackouts but are not standard for most installations.
One great solar power light application is roadway lighting for the roads around and through the facility or base. These lights provide additional safety by adding visual assistance for traffic and pedestrians at night. It would also allow security to easily spot issues, especially by people traveling around a facility or base and those who are patrolling the area.
Another solar light application would be parking lot lights. There are always parking lots at military housing, offices, and other government facilities. These areas require adequate lighting for people going to and from work for the safety of their person and vehicle. And using LED lights would give the added benefit of better vision due to the better lighting. LEDs also last longer, do not produce heat and are mercury-free.
There are many other applications for solar-powered lights at any military base or government facility. Making sure you do your research on the best possible light for the application is key to purchasing a long-lasting light.